how’s it going, mate? 2/2

Go here to get an idea of what I’m rambling about.

7) An intense desire to spend time in Nature. And a deep reverence for Mother Nature and Mother Earth for all that She is providing and a deeper sense of gratitude and connection.


I have always lived in a city. But, now, I want to have a dwelling somewhere in countryside amidst Nature (Dartmoor, Italian Dolomite, Himalayas anyone?) where I’m in direct contact with Earth (think barefoot walking), maybe grow my own vegetables and spend as much time outdoors as possible and deepen my connection with Nature Spirits, Elementals, Animals and Birds.

8) We may find that our likes and preferences are changing. What used to tickle our fancy before, no longer ‘moves’ us!

For eg. you may start dreading the idea of going for shopping whereas before you would have jumped in excitement at the mention of the word.

I’m a movie buff! However, the movies (and the genre) that used to get me excited before doesn’t even grab my attention now! That’s just one example.

We are moving away from hedonism and what we are looking for is more enjoyable, fulfilling experience even if that means staying home and not doing anything!

That doesn’t mean we will stop buying stuff we like, but it will NOT be like “oh, I’m getting bored, let me check what’s on the high street and buy myself whatever!”

9) Most likely it won’t be ‘not doing anything’ unlike mentioned above because we may find new talents and skills in ourselves.

Actually, they are not new, but the ones that we had had suppressed (and we are not talking just this lifetime!) These talents and skills will start coming ‘online’ and may take us by surprise.

Writing for this blog is a case in point for me.

And at the same time, skills that never were ours, but we took them because we were asked to do so by our parents or teachers or we took them because of peer pressure or just to comply with societal standards or just because we wanted to pay our bills, will fall by the wayside.

And tied to this is a possibility of giving up our jobs. I’m not saying everyone who does a job do so out of compulsion and that they don’t enjoy their jobs and will give them up.


No, but, if I dare say, most of us are actually NOT doing what WE really would LOVE and WANT to do. We are currently doing jobs that we and, more importantly, others THINK we SHOULD be doing.

This next phase in human evolution is all about Heart; about what WE WANT to do at our soul level; about doing stuff that brings us JOY; about bringing our CREATIVE side out (remember Divine Feminine is all about Creation and Creativity); about doing what we LOVE. The emphasis being on “our personal likes and heartfelt desires”

I began to see the meaninglessness in my IT job and left it (shocking myself and everyone around me!!) in search for a more enriching experiences in Life. It has been far from easy, but I don’t regret taking the step. Having a supportive partner always helps. Thank you she-kid! (Psst..hope she will read this and treat me to a cake or a South Indian dish! 😜)

10) We may find it difficult to “maintain” some relationships, especially those where there’s no ‘heart and soul’ involved; that are superficial; where there’s no respect; where our values, feelings, ideas are not honoured; where there’s imbalance of masculinity and femininity (and this doesn’t apply only to males – even females carry masculine energy); where there’s too much of control and there’s very little, if any, breathing space. I reckon you got the idea.

We may feel like walking away from such associations or we may feel like we need to voice our discomfort and make it known. It doesn’t mean we feel we are superior or better than others or that we are being self-centered or that we don’t love them. 

But it probably means we are being given an opportunity to love and value ourselves more, come back in our Power, give ourselves a voice, and start respecting ourselves and maintain a healthy boundary. It’s about time we don’t let people use us as a doormat.

And most times, it’s us who have been playing victims. So, no, sorry, we cannot blame anyone for treating us as such! No??? Really??? Oh dear!!!

ec3c1308f5d32157741621c5eab6fc5fMy wife and I really went through a very challenging period in our relationship. We both had, on many occasions, thought of walking out. The energies were such that it was bringing all sorts of repressed emotions out. We went through thick and thin of it. It does feel a bit settled now though. Fingers crossed.

At the risk of sounding egotist, looking back, now it seems to us that we were also being ‘made’ to clear a bit of the collective because at the time, it did feel some emotions (energies) weren’t us! 

11) Aversion to Love – this is a kicker!

I hear you say “Are you serious? On the one hand you’re saying more Love is coming to the planet, but on the other, you’re saying this! You haven’t gone looney, have you?” No, I haven’t! Hear me out, please!

Most of us must have lived many previous lives. And we might have had our Trust broken in our relationships whenever we seeked Love or whenever our needs were not met.

Also, a bigger picture could be: the purpose for each of these lives has been, I reckon, union back with our Source. But in all the previous lifetimes, we have not had been successful (maybe it wasn’t our time or the energies weren’t favourable – I don’t know)

So, we are carrying within us the energy of betrayal – of having had been betrayed by fellow humans, but also by Source Him\Herself. In our childish naivety, we perhaps assumed that the Creator doesn’t ‘care’ about us (for a lack of a better word) and we are literally peed off with Him\Her.

So, this time around the Love vibrations are uprooting this stuck energy of betrayal from our Being and as it leaves, it gives us this sense of “yeah right! I have heard this rhetoric and I’m not interested.” In actuality, these energies are surfacing to be released giving us the illusion as if we really aren’t interested in this Love stuff.

But the Truth is we INDEED wish to merge with our Source.

I know this may sound silly. But this is what my realisation is after having travelled to the depths of my Being. You may not be annoyed with Him/Her at all.

Dear friends,  this is not by any means an exhaustive list. Only what I felt I needed to put out here. I just want to reiterate that all these things may not happen to everyone and even if someone goes through some similar experiences, it doesn’t necessarily happen all at the same time. Our Higher Self and Source knows how much we can handle at a given time and will bring things up for us in layers.

“When Life gives you Onions, peel the layers”  TWDY

Here’s hoping that these posts will help someone out there. I’d love to hear what your experiences are\have been. Love to all.

how’s it going, mate? 1/2

 1506478_10152930430623623_2773564196774137518_nMy yesterday’s status update on how I’m sensing the energies to be right now, also made me think to write on what can we expect from this Ascension process because some may not necessarily feel the same way. I’m not a psychic or any expert. You might want to check this just in case! What I’m sharing is how it has played out for me up until now. Maybe it will help someone.

Remember we are all different. Even though the underlying purpose is for us to get into a space of more (permanent) unconditional Love, the route and time each of us will take will be varying in some degrees. Like i said, you may be feeling exactly the opposite to what I’m feeling. Or you may NOT even feel a thing. And that’s OK. When the time is right for YOU and when YOU are ready, your awakening process will kick in. And it may not even be in your soul plan to awake this lifetime around. Again, it’s perfect!

You may think this is all hogwash. But let me tell you it’s NOT. Well, at least NOT for me. What they say? You know that saying…aah…The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Yep, that’s it!

Right! So what kind of “symptoms” and what could the possible reasons be: 

1) There may be a deeper sense of sadness and sorrow without any reason. We may not see the reason and may judge ourselves as being depressed. I reckon there’s a reason for this and it may be our longing to be united with our Source, which we have been carrying lifetime after lifetime after staying separated from Him\Her, and is particularly intense right now – thanks to the Shift!

This sense of sadness may be a sign from our Higher Self who wants our attention and wants us to embark upon our journey to be One with Source – back to our Home!

The feeling of sorrow manifested for me as a kind of sick feeling of being on this planet. I had days when I literally wanted to leave everything behind and go away and get lost in some forest or unknown land!! And no, I’m not writing this from Amazon or Antarctica in case you were wondering. I doubt they have a WiFi – wait, let me check: Oi Tarzan, mate….

2) Crying and being angry, frustrated, irritated for some inexplicable reasons.

© Jose Antonio Tovar

© Jose Antonio Tovar

And no, my male friends, crying isn’t a sign of weakness unlike we have been programmed to believe. So yes, you can cry, you are allowed to, it IS your birthright – perhaps that’s the first thing you would’ve done at your birth anyway 😉

Now, the reason for this random bursts of ‘unsocial’ emotions could be the release of old, ancient memories of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual injury and trauma we may have had endured however those might have had manifested in our previous lives and current one.

Because of the amnesia we are in, we remember neither the past lives nor the painful incidents. As the Light that is coming in releases these stuck energies, we may feel certain emotions and we think we are going bonkers or insane. Well, may not necessarily be so!

There were days (and still are, but now, few and far between) when I used to burst into tears and crying my guts out (is there such saying?!) And I always used to feel better afterwards. I find it quite refreshing to be honest. I may even start a Crying Club – there are way too many Laughter Clubs around!!!

3) A feeling of lethargy and downright laziness. A sense of not wanting to do anything at all. Sometimes we may want to sleep, sleep and sleep.


We are told our cellular structure is changing from carbon-based to crystalline-based in order for us to embody more Light and ready us for our transition into higher dimensions. (a) (b)

Remember, we are ascending this time by staying in our bodies.(c) And because in our known history, we haven’t had experienced such vibrations before (whilst still being alive), these frequencies are new for our body and might be the cause of tiredness.

It could also be because we are expending so much energy by releasing what needs to go (consciously in our wakeful moments and perhaps subconsciously in our sleep state)

And some of us may also be clearing and purging for the collective (Thank you God!!) which adds an extra layer of pressure – which always helps….NOT!

But the good news is that it may become slightly easier for those who would be “waking up” sooner because they will not have as much muck to clean!

4) Weird dreams. Dreams have taken a whole new form for me especially since last few years. Dream activity has gone through the roof. Another reason for exhaustion!

I have dreamt some very delicious, beautiful dreams, but also, nightmares like (but not limited to) getting in some serious confrontation with near and dear ones. Again, this might be the subconscious (unconscious?) being cleared of the hurts and injuries we carry.

5) Body wanting to eat more healthy. We may find ourselves looking and checking health and nutrition related websites. I remember I stumbled upon few websites which were talking about what we should be eating and why. I can’t remember taking a conscious decision that I want to change my eating habits. Nevertheless my Higher Self had better plans for me. And so here I was, checking information on nutrition, fitness, organic food and the likes.

178588_10151113911458623_1283817035_oMy wife and I started eating organic food as much as we possibly can. Also, we were finding it difficult to consume heavy (Indian) meals that we were used to eating since childhood. So, in essence, we are becoming lighter, not only vibrationally, but physically too. It’s like ‘like attracts like’ – Light attracts light.

Foods that are dense makes it a wee bit more challenging for us to assimilate Light. Our body has an intelligence of it’s own. It’s not merely a lump of flesh, bones and muscles! It knows what’s best for itself. And that very intelligence ‘puts’ us on a healthier path!

© wonderferret

© wonderferret

6) Another bodily sign is ‘more than usual’ (if there’s any such thing as usual when it comes to lack of health!) bouts of headaches, digestive disorders, backaches, muscular pain which have been common for me since couple of years. I’ve never had known what headache is in my life!

It’s not to say physical discomforts will be there 24/7. They may come and go along with the undulating energy. There are many websites that speak of the Ascension symptoms – some call it Ascensionitis! It might be a good idea to check and see if there’s anything on there that matches the way you feel. 

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