let’s get naked 3

Three parts into this and we are still hell bent on stripping ourselves bare!?! Yep! This and this will tell you why. I suggest you read from the first part.

So as we can see, we can apply the same practice to any emotional discordance that we might be having, anything that we might be struggling with. It could be past hurts, painful memories, betrayal, resentment, dogs in the sky, birds in the water, fishes on the street, you name it!

The amazing thing is once we have experienced that which we need to for enough time or sat with it frequently enough or experienced it to the maximum degree \ intensity, it won’t carry enough charge. We still might get a thought related to the entity, but it won’t bother us. It will be a passing thought just like a passing cloud in a beautiful blue sky.

And the parameters (enough time, frequently enough, up to the required intensity) varies from person to person and how much heavy the charge is.

And as strange as it may sound, the wounds are healed and forgiveness happens – forgiving others but most importantly, ourselves. Keyword here is ‘happens‘; we don’t try to forgive by thinking our way through it or justifying our hurt and the reason for it but forgiveness very naturally and automatically happens.

Don’t worry, we won’t attract, via the famous Law of Attraction, more of such feelings in our life like the one we are experiencing during a meditation session. I don’t think LoA works like that. At least I have not attracted more of that which I was\am sitting with. Instead, I’ve shed many pounds off my emotional body and boy, it looks sexy!

Let’s face it: if we don’t confront and experience it, it is STILL there in our system, in our subconscious. And as we all know, our subconscious is million times more powerful than our conscious mind (a bit of exaggeration maybe) and it almost always wins. What are the results of it winning? We let those subconscious programming and beliefs to govern our lives and attract more of what we don’t want.

And that is why I am NOT a big fan of positive affirmations. Especially when we are just beginning on our spiritual path. To me, it seems so unreal, untrue, fake!

Here in my inner world, I’m carrying a hurt “my parents have wronged me” or a belief based in fear “I will not be successful” and out there, I’m barking “I am full of love for everyone” or “I am Tom Cruise” like a mad dog!! My subconscious is not going to believe the hogwash.

We need to start from where we are, not where we want to be!

OK, some might say positive affirmations help rewire the neural paths in our brains or whatever. However, to me that seems like it is going to take a LOT of convincing and cajoling on my part to my demons within. I’d rather calm them down by giving them space to do Zumba and then use positive affirmations once I’m empty of my garbage and baggage.

I’m not completely against affirmations. However, I’ve my own timeline as to when I can let them enter my world. That’s just me. For some, it might not be the case; they are effortlessly able to land in Honolulu the very next day they affirm “I’m in Bali” 😜

So, by sitting and letting that which has been suppressed, for lifetimes after lifetimes, out we are giving it a voice, an outlet to be released. We have been taught since our childhood by our parents, teachers, society not to express our so called ‘negative’ emotions and how should we behave and what should we be doing. Not any fault of their own. They were none the wiser.

Oh mate, I so hate this word ‘should’. We should not do this, should not say that, should not cry, should not be angry, should not ride a crocodile, should not kiss a kangaroo!

Once we start going deeper, we will see that there is nothing like positive or negative, good or bad, right or wrong. And that’s what we have to learn – to master. To accept and most most most importantly love all aspects of ourselves – all polarities.

And we can only love an aspect of ourselves if we are aware of it.

“You can only wipe the dust off something if you can see it.”  TWDY

One most important block whilst we sit for any type of meditation is our mind trying to distract us. It most definitely will start throwing myriads of thoughts at us. Or we will be reminded to make an important call. Or it will try to rationalise that the person who hurt us was not actually intending to.

Sure enough. The person didn’t mean us harm. But we are NOT that person. Our truth is we are hurt. Period. We acknowledge it and start our healing process. What, why, how, when of the other person is their business, not ours. Simple as that.

The mind doesn’t want us to experience anything because it’s survival is under threat!  It’s a master deceiver! It will want us to quit and move from the present moment in countless ways! That’s just the way the mind is.

Here mindfulness can be useful in that just acknowledge the thought from the ego mind and get back to our experiencing the feeling as quickly as possible. The only way is to persevere.

Persevere and give yourself the freedom to feel and express and strip the layers off of you. Believe me, once you have mastered this, you will only smile at things that used to piss you off. And you will be in a lot more happier space. True Happiness.

So then, the question is are you ready to get naked?