let’s get naked 1

No, don’t worry, we aren’t really going to! And I ain’t going to talk about nudity nor going to post any such pictures. So calm down, take a deep breath or two and relax! You will see why this title.

Quite a while back, I was asked by a friend to write something that might help those who are beginning their spiritual journey consciously or perhaps the Ascension energies are pushing them onto a spiritual path.

First things first: I am not a teacher to anyone nor do I proclaim to be one. And I do not intend to preach. I’m still in my infancy! I can only come from my experience and share out of my own lifebook! And anyway, we all have a teacher and teachings inside us, as my previous spiritual teacher Shri Bhagavan would say. Perhaps someone can show you the way to that teacher within, but we all have to walk the path ourselves.

Also, I reckon, where we, as humanity, are going, we will be in direct connection with our Source and so we wouldn’t need any spiritual organisation or teacher per se. Helpers, yes. Teachers, I don’t think so! I maybe wrong. We shall see.

And believe it or not, this Ascension thing is REAL, it is indeed happening and I guess most of us who are here on this planet at this time will be going through it sooner or later in varying degrees in our own way, in our own time, provided it’s writen in our soul plan. Check these articles here and here to get an idea of what’s happening and how it could play out in your lives.

Now that I’ve got it off my chest, I’d like to share what has helped me tremendously.

The most important ingredient in this recipe is an honest acknowledgement that life sucks! A reality check that life in the current state is not as happy and joyous as we think (and sometimes pretend) it is! To have the integrity to accept that not all our relationships are harmonious and loving but more superficial! A look in our inner mirror and saying “No, two hours of a comedy movie isn’t true happiness! No, retail therapy isn’t true happiness! No, managing my sorrows isn’t really being free and happy!”

Maybe some would argue that not all relationships are important and need to be loving. “Why would I need to be loving in my relation with my boss or colleague? It’s only a workplace!” And I ask “why not?”

Maybe some would disagree; they would say a nice movie makes them happy. Yes, I agree. But does it last long? Let us be clear in not confusing pleasure with happiness. We can have all the pleasures in life and still have a sense of emptiness inside, a sense of something is lacking, a sense of feeling incomplete, a sense of dissatisfaction.

I am not saying we should renounce the world and all the material pleasures and live like a caveman. Noooooo!!! Even this yogi is a well dressed one who likes his movies even though he lives in this digital cave (Sidenote: I was told off by someone for my pseudonym; LOL, the person couldn’t accept that yogis can be well dressed!! Oh well, old paradigm I say, I could only smile)

Right. Back on track. So, where were we? Yes, material pleasures are part of our lives here as humans. We are here on the material plane to enjoy the material life. However, we must accept and acknowledge we are leaning way too much on the material side. We have lost touch with our spiritual side. I had, until I met my spiritual teacher some 15 years ago. And this imbalance is the major cause of dissatisfaction in our life!

We may achieve success in our worldly pursuits but most times than not, we feel we haven’t quite reached there, yet. And so we go for more and more, not realising that we are imprisoned and we will never feel contented unless we switch our spiritual engine on. Unless we reconnect with our Heart in a deeper way.

Long lasting happiness seems to elude us. Pleasure is always momentary – maybe the duration of that “happiness” is half an hour or a day or a week. But then it leaves and we are back to our old grumpy, sorrowful state, trying to manage our suffering!

So, when we are ready to honestly see this reality, when we are willing to see ourselves naked in our inner mirror, then we can, no, we will want to take a step towards freedom. And the first step would be, you guessed it right, meditation.

Meditation. This one word used to scare the hell out of me (even more so than the Muppets!) It may bring up many feelings inside us, the most predominant would be, I guess, boredom and procrastination. We always want to do meditation tomorrow!! There’s always something else to do today. And there is always this one common excuse we give “I have tried it once and I couldn’t stop my thoughts!”

The matter-of-fact is our starting of meditation is the beginning of the end of the ego mind. And so to it, meditation will always be unpleasant and boring. And we are, if I may be direct, under the clutches of this mind since time immemorial. So it is actually the mind making use of us by making us think that we don’t like meditation. That’s how much we are under the control of the mind!

And trying to stop the thoughts from coming isn’t going to help either. Because that’s not going to work. The more you try to shoo it away, the more louder it becomes. That’s the way it is! That’s the nature of this bloody mind.

So how do we go about this and where do we start? We will look into that tomorrow.


how’s it going, mate? 2/2

Go here to get an idea of what I’m rambling about.

7) An intense desire to spend time in Nature. And a deep reverence for Mother Nature and Mother Earth for all that She is providing and a deeper sense of gratitude and connection.


I have always lived in a city. But, now, I want to have a dwelling somewhere in countryside amidst Nature (Dartmoor, Italian Dolomite, Himalayas anyone?) where I’m in direct contact with Earth (think barefoot walking), maybe grow my own vegetables and spend as much time outdoors as possible and deepen my connection with Nature Spirits, Elementals, Animals and Birds.

8) We may find that our likes and preferences are changing. What used to tickle our fancy before, no longer ‘moves’ us!

For eg. you may start dreading the idea of going for shopping whereas before you would have jumped in excitement at the mention of the word.

I’m a movie buff! However, the movies (and the genre) that used to get me excited before doesn’t even grab my attention now! That’s just one example.

We are moving away from hedonism and what we are looking for is more enjoyable, fulfilling experience even if that means staying home and not doing anything!

That doesn’t mean we will stop buying stuff we like, but it will NOT be like “oh, I’m getting bored, let me check what’s on the high street and buy myself whatever!”

9) Most likely it won’t be ‘not doing anything’ unlike mentioned above because we may find new talents and skills in ourselves.

Actually, they are not new, but the ones that we had had suppressed (and we are not talking just this lifetime!) These talents and skills will start coming ‘online’ and may take us by surprise.

Writing for this blog is a case in point for me.

And at the same time, skills that never were ours, but we took them because we were asked to do so by our parents or teachers or we took them because of peer pressure or just to comply with societal standards or just because we wanted to pay our bills, will fall by the wayside.

And tied to this is a possibility of giving up our jobs. I’m not saying everyone who does a job do so out of compulsion and that they don’t enjoy their jobs and will give them up.


No, but, if I dare say, most of us are actually NOT doing what WE really would LOVE and WANT to do. We are currently doing jobs that we and, more importantly, others THINK we SHOULD be doing.

This next phase in human evolution is all about Heart; about what WE WANT to do at our soul level; about doing stuff that brings us JOY; about bringing our CREATIVE side out (remember Divine Feminine is all about Creation and Creativity); about doing what we LOVE. The emphasis being on “our personal likes and heartfelt desires”

I began to see the meaninglessness in my IT job and left it (shocking myself and everyone around me!!) in search for a more enriching experiences in Life. It has been far from easy, but I don’t regret taking the step. Having a supportive partner always helps. Thank you she-kid! (Psst..hope she will read this and treat me to a cake or a South Indian dish! 😜)

10) We may find it difficult to “maintain” some relationships, especially those where there’s no ‘heart and soul’ involved; that are superficial; where there’s no respect; where our values, feelings, ideas are not honoured; where there’s imbalance of masculinity and femininity (and this doesn’t apply only to males – even females carry masculine energy); where there’s too much of control and there’s very little, if any, breathing space. I reckon you got the idea.

We may feel like walking away from such associations or we may feel like we need to voice our discomfort and make it known. It doesn’t mean we feel we are superior or better than others or that we are being self-centered or that we don’t love them. 

But it probably means we are being given an opportunity to love and value ourselves more, come back in our Power, give ourselves a voice, and start respecting ourselves and maintain a healthy boundary. It’s about time we don’t let people use us as a doormat.

And most times, it’s us who have been playing victims. So, no, sorry, we cannot blame anyone for treating us as such! No??? Really??? Oh dear!!!

ec3c1308f5d32157741621c5eab6fc5fMy wife and I really went through a very challenging period in our relationship. We both had, on many occasions, thought of walking out. The energies were such that it was bringing all sorts of repressed emotions out. We went through thick and thin of it. It does feel a bit settled now though. Fingers crossed.

At the risk of sounding egotist, looking back, now it seems to us that we were also being ‘made’ to clear a bit of the collective because at the time, it did feel some emotions (energies) weren’t us! 

11) Aversion to Love – this is a kicker!

I hear you say “Are you serious? On the one hand you’re saying more Love is coming to the planet, but on the other, you’re saying this! You haven’t gone looney, have you?” No, I haven’t! Hear me out, please!

Most of us must have lived many previous lives. And we might have had our Trust broken in our relationships whenever we seeked Love or whenever our needs were not met.

Also, a bigger picture could be: the purpose for each of these lives has been, I reckon, union back with our Source. But in all the previous lifetimes, we have not had been successful (maybe it wasn’t our time or the energies weren’t favourable – I don’t know)

So, we are carrying within us the energy of betrayal – of having had been betrayed by fellow humans, but also by Source Him\Herself. In our childish naivety, we perhaps assumed that the Creator doesn’t ‘care’ about us (for a lack of a better word) and we are literally peed off with Him\Her.

So, this time around the Love vibrations are uprooting this stuck energy of betrayal from our Being and as it leaves, it gives us this sense of “yeah right! I have heard this rhetoric and I’m not interested.” In actuality, these energies are surfacing to be released giving us the illusion as if we really aren’t interested in this Love stuff.

But the Truth is we INDEED wish to merge with our Source.

I know this may sound silly. But this is what my realisation is after having travelled to the depths of my Being. You may not be annoyed with Him/Her at all.

Dear friends,  this is not by any means an exhaustive list. Only what I felt I needed to put out here. I just want to reiterate that all these things may not happen to everyone and even if someone goes through some similar experiences, it doesn’t necessarily happen all at the same time. Our Higher Self and Source knows how much we can handle at a given time and will bring things up for us in layers.

“When Life gives you Onions, peel the layers”  TWDY

Here’s hoping that these posts will help someone out there. I’d love to hear what your experiences are\have been. Love to all.