to dream or not to dream

Nicole Pierce – dreams and wishes –

In a meditation today, I was ‘told’ something about dreams and desires which I would like to share. My Heart completely gets it. The logical mind is struggling to put it in words. I hope what I write will make sense.

We all have dreams. We all have desires. We are always in a quest to find ways to fulfill our dreams and desires – small or BIG. We plan things in our life so that we can bring our dreams and desires about.

We pray, we visualise, we say affirmations out loud, we do ‘manifestation meditations’, we do vision boards, we stick post-it notes on every available space in our house (and workplace too! Perhaps the only place left is our family members’ faces – i know, a bit of exaggeration), we hang ourselves upside down (maybe not), we scream, we shout, we cry, we try to feel in our bones skin muscles how it feels when our dreams come true, we try to stay positive, we falter, we doubt, we beat ourselves for wavering, we gather ourselves, we become desperate, we try to surrender to Higher Power (if we believe in one – if not, we may try to believe in a Greater Force just to fulfill our desire to eat an ice-cream, haha), we stay the course!

In short (really? after so many words!) we do whichever trick our minds can think of so that our desires can be fulfilled, our dreams can come true.

Now, let’s pause for a second and step away from all or some of the above mentioned mental and physical activities that we put ourselves through. And think ‘What if the very reason I conceived a particular desire or dream is because the Universe knows I am capable of bringing this about!?! And no matter what I do or not do, the dream WILL BE realised

Let’s take it a bit deeper and ask ourselves:

  • What if the only reason I am having this desire is because the fruition of it is already waiting for me up ahead?
  • What if my Higher Self gave me a thought for a particular desire, however BIG or small, which is in alignment with my Higher Purpose and It (my Higher Self) has not only devised a Plan for me to get there, but also already formulated a Guaranteed Success?
  • What if the realisation and success of a dream was also ‘installed’ (for the lack of a better word) in our own personal World/Life/Universe/Consciousness at the exact moment of it’s conception?
  • What if I got a desire because my Future Self is already basking in the fulfilment of it?
Hound Tor, Dartmoor

Hound Tor, Dartmoor

The analogy that I’d like to use is I like travelling. I want to go and see the Tors in Dartmoor in west country Devon (one of my favourite places btw). Tors must come into my awareness first for me to like them and have a wish to go see them. Most importantly, they HAVE TO already exist in the first place to come into my awareness.

So the object (or subject?) of the desire is already present at the time of having a desire, if it makes sense!

The only thing that remains then for me is deciding when and how do I want to go, and which route I want to take. From the moment of the inception of the desire, I lead myself toward it.

I reckon, and this is indeed a supposition, call it ‘thinking out loud’, our bigger radical dreams of a grander nature are somewhat similar to our desires like in the analogy above.

My ‘get’ from the meditation is that a dream in it’s manifested state already exists in a ‘future’ timeline. And the dream is brought into our awareness. We like it and decide to walk the timeline.

Our Higher Self, our All Knowing Eternal Soul already sees the dream, which starts in the non-physical, manifested in the physical plane. It knows we are indeed going to make it. And the reason why It planted a Seed of a dream in our minds in the first place is because It has already seen the Fruit grow. And from the moment of that seeding, It has already started us on our journey towards it. Again if we say yes to it.

Chances are we will say yes because our Higher Self knows what’s best for us (provided we step out of our ego mind)!

However, because we so identify ourselves with this third dimensional physical reality, unless we see a tangible evidence within the time frame we have set for it to occur, we doubt if we will ever make it. We begin to worry if we hit a stumbling block. We wonder if the path we have taken is indeed the correct one. We are so attached to the outcome and with the ego mind’s control of how it should be and how it should look like, we are for most part focussed on the destination and forget to enjoy the journey. 

But if we start taking this new perspective onboard that the very reason a desire or a dream takes a form in our awareness is because it’s actualisation has taken a form too in ‘future’ space and time, then our journey would be much easier, much more joyful, much more relaxed and our eyes wouldn’t always be on the destination. We would start appreciating the journey.

My car may break down whilst travelling to the Tors. But I will get it repaired and continue my journey since I know regardless of what happens on my journey, the object of my desire is already there and I will make it in due course.

We may be aware of some of the incidents that happen in our life, some actions we take, people we meet that contributes toward our dream. Some seemingly adverse conditions – we would wish them away. However, those are part of the Plan too. Nothing is working against us. In fact, everything is helping us evolve and bringing us closer to our realised dream(s).

All the things that we do or not do. All the affirmations we say or not say, all the visualisations we do or not do, all the vision boards we make or not – it doesn’t matter. Doing all these will get us to our destination. Not doing them will also get us there. I suppose the only ingredient required is we believe we WILL realise it and that everything that is happening (and that which is seemingly not happening) is taking us closer to our desired place.

I must admit I too have worried and doubted the actualisation of a ‘crazy’ dream that I am carrying within since few years. But this morning’s epiphany has a startling effect on me. In fact I am even grateful that the dream hasn’t materialised as yet because during this ‘waiting’ period, I have gotten and will get (until it’s time for it to ripen) abundance of opportunities to refine my smaller desires within the larger context of my main dream; I get ample of chances to redefine my priorities whilst I am on my way towards my destination.

And lastly, I perhaps wouldn’t have had this ‘weird perspective’ had my dream already manifested. I haven’t read any book on the subject but I would like to believe that there’s some Truth in what was revealed to me.

Friends, I’d love to hear what is your view on these thoughts that I have thrown out in open! I am well aware that my Truth may or may not be yours; nevertheless it would be great to hear different perspectives.

Till then keep dreamin’ and believing that the nitty-gritty will be taken care of (or already has been 😉 )

Update – 15.8.15 – The more I think about this ‘epiphany’ I had, the more it seems there’s Truth in it. At the very moment of the inception of a desire or dream in us by our Higher Self, a ‘point of success’ is also created so that we can move towards it. Without point B, how would we know where we have to go from point A? We have the choice of taking different routes from point A and depending on our choice, it will take however long (or quick) it takes. But point B HAS TO exist before we set out on our journey and to reach there our Higher Self gives us instruction on an on-going basis as part of the plan – provided we are NOT too stuck with our ego mind to listen to and/or identify the instructions!

8 thoughts on “to dream or not to dream

  1. Hugues Prévost says:

    I dream of a better looking blog for my site, lol. For now, I’m “stealing” the theme of yours which is big improvement on what I had. Do you know of similar themes? —Sorry about my superficial comment but it’s hard-hard-hard to be deep everyday. If only my name was Deep (दीप), then it would be easy…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post! It’s inspired me to meditate more often! I’ve also been hearing that September is a really powerful month for going within and strengthening one’s relationship with spirit. Well, I think any month is good for this – but it’s still fun to hear that. 😉 All the ‘work’ is happening on the inside. As you say the external efforts may help (vision boards etc) but ultimately we’re so powerful that all we need is the desire and the trust that it will play out without us having to force it. Sounds good to me! Thanks, Aleya

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Aleya, after a long time! Hope you are well 🙂 I’m glad that you liked the post! It was quite a ‘personal revelation’ and does make sense to me.

      Yes, I too have been hearing that about September from various sources. But I’m TRYING to stay detached from all the ‘predictions’. Having said that, I stay hopeful and curious. I also TRY to take every day as it comes as I know the dreams will come true 😉

      My personal sense is that the energies have a different flavour and texture to it since Lion’s Gate of 8.8.8.

      Today in particular is supposed to be a good day of some highly charged energy as it is Krishna’s birthday. This is what I came across. Do the meditation if you are called to 🙂
      An amsha of Lord Krishna will be arriving to our Earth on the midnight of the 5th and will be there on the Earth till the 14th September.

      The Rishis mention that Lord Krishna will be carrying some new and amazing energies. The period of Lord Krishna’s stay on the Earth will be intense and we will be able to connect to Lord Krishna and Lord Kalki easily during this period.

      A suggested technique to experience Lord Krishna during this period –

      Face North
      Duration – 1 hour

      Imagine an abundance of Dark Blue Light coming from Lord Krishna and allow the Light to fill your entire body. Then with your intention, allow the Light to fill your Soul.

      For the entire Meditation experience the connectivity between you and Lord Krishna and try to merge your awareness into Him.

      Repeat the manta “Om Krishnaya Namaha” silently for the entire duration.

      On the night of the 5th, there will be an astral travel to Brindavan. Have a light dinner and before going to bed pray to Lord Krishna and the Rishis for the astral travel and to Lord Hanuman for protection during the travel.

      Much Love and success to you on your journey ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you for sharing this meditation! I love it.

        I completely missed all the Lion’s Gate stuff – I was in the UK at the time, but it was a pretty potent trip so it makes sense that there was something powerful going on energetically. I am feeling something big for September. Thanks again 🙂 Aleya

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